

. To start didactic activities of the first Academic year immediately, counting on minimal teaching staff and technical personnel, logistic structures and equipment, basic library and local means of transportation.

. To assist and support students adequately, to favour their participation in the project and keep their motivation and efforts high.

. To experiment collaboration of the teachers from the two countries

. To create useful connections to integrate the new Faculty with other Ugandan Universities.

. To set up a managing structure to govern, co-ordinate and control the project, located at the Federico II University and working in close co-operation with a Project Manager in Uganda.

. To activate the first partnerships among Italian and international Bodies and Institutions, aiming at a lasting project.

. To recourse to international co-operation from beginning.

. To find new financial resources.

. To start an effective communication activity, capable of attracting potential partners.



. To recruit and employ new human and financial resources able to assure fulfilment of the first cycle of studies for the degree in Medicine

. To supervise and support the students’ formative process, also solving possible obstacles to their didactic or human integration.

. To renew and expand institutional agreements with other Universities.

. To expand and consolidate the international co-operation network.

. To set up and manage a system of integrated technical-scientific and technical-organisational competencies.

. To give local, national and international visibility to the project through an adequate communication campaign.



. To form – operating by methodologies fit for their human potential and for the local health necessities, the first groups of graduates focusing on the quality of the acquired knowledge measured in respect to their entry profiles.

. To strengthen the teaching staff and qualify the new University in order that it can attract highly qualified technical-scientific competencies.

. To integrate the new Faculty in the Ugandan Higher Education Network

. To contribute at seeking integrative funds in order to foster the financial independence of the new Faculty.